1 Francesca, what do you think of my spiderweb outfit?

2 Frankly, I think it looks better on me.

3 See how the coloring works with me, rather than against me?

4 Then again, maybe I'll wear this devil's outfit. I do feel like a bit of a devil now and then, and the red is striking against my lustrous black fur! Too bad the wings don't actually make you fly. Otherwise, watch out, squirrels!

5 Well, you're the fashion maven. Since I'm a fawn-colored Frenchie, maybe this ghost costume suit me better?

6 The shroud makes me look particularly eerie... I'm actually a little scared of myself!

7 You think that's scary? Check out this mummy costume! I always wanted to be a 'mummy' blogger!

8 It even has a little wrapper on the head. And PJ-style footies!

9 How about a skeleton? It's almost like getting an x-ray.

10 Look at this detail. And it glows in the dark!

11 Or maybe I'll go as a vampire...

12 Let's have a look here...

13 Hmm... there's something not quite right, but I just can't put my paw on it.

14 Aha! I know. I've seen enough 'Buffy' episodes to know that Vampires don't show up in mirrors!

15 Oh, well. Who needs mirrors? I know I'm gorgeous.
На фото -бульдоги Франческа и Шарки Марты Стюарт.
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